Does wax harm your decals ???
Does wax harm your decals ???
Should you wax your RV DECALS ?
Never, never, never, never, never wax a vinyl graphic!
Wax contains petroleum distillated products. Petroleum products removes and destroys the "plastisizers" that the vinyl manufacturers add during the manufacturing process. Plastisizers are what keep the vinyl from cracking and curling...and keeps the vinyl from drying out.
Wax causes the adhesive backing to fail, causing curling and peeling...as well as cracking and fade!
All the major vinyl graphic manufacturers such as 3M will tell you this, as will the major RV Graphic Companies such as Sharpline, ZombieKiller, Performance Graphics and the big one Valley Screen Process who furnish graphics to Jayco, Forest River, Thor and more.
Vinyl decals on RVs can be damaged by chemicals such as petroleum distillates that are contained in some waxes, by prolonged exposure to the sun's ultra violet rays, excessive scrubbing when cleaning the exterior of the RV, etc.
RV, Motorhome and Vehicle Decals
Have you ever had your decals or 'stripes' on your RV or
motorhome fade or crack from oxidation? Here is why.
The decal/stripes on RVs are vinyl. As a general rule, one should refrain from using anything containing petroleum distillates or abrasives on vinyl, including Vinyl decals. Unfortunately, most waxes contain petroleum distillates and often abrasives.
There are safe products on the market, you will have to search the net.
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