“In this day and age, it’s hard to find a company you can trust. Custom RV Decals was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!
We are finally done with the decals! We are really pleased with the results! We learned a lot with each decal. The removal of the old was probably the hardest part, especially the side where it was baked on. We sent you a before picture of the bare naked camper, and the after pictures. We truly appreciate the service, we feel probably added a lot of value to our camper with the new decals. We are now in the process of polishing the whole thing, re-caulking, and then cleaning the discoloration around windows. Going to be like brand new!
Susan C.
Hi Steve,
We just finished applying the front decal and are so pleased! The colors match perfectly with the existing decals on the sides of the camper. I’m attaching some before and after pictures of both the front and back. Thank you again for your excellent customer service and quality products!
Sharon W.
Hi Steve:
What an amazing job. The transformation is perfect. Be assured that we, as well as RV Peddler will recommend you at all opportunities.
Again, thanks.
Larry M.
I got the decal today and have it installed. Looks awesome. I will send you a good picture in the nest few days. Thanks again for your quality service. Have a great day.
Steve R
I don't know if you remember but I bought these decals last year and I put them on and I didn't have a chance to send you a picture of how nice they come out I just want to thank you for all your help you always were there when I called you; thank you. chet
Hi Steve
Great job on my graphics. Everything fit perfectly.
Hi Steve I was off on the color-stupid me-but I think I can live with it. You did a great job on them they look like originals. John
Finally got around to installing the decals. I thought the fit was great. Thanks again. I may be calling for more for the front! Stan